Love & Coaching

Common Questions

What's the difference between coaching and psychotherapy? You do both, right?
Yes, I am licensed and LOVE to do psychotherapy, as well.I work with people of all ages above 10,coupled or single, blended families,people considering career and marital changes. People who are in crisis in more than one area of their life tell me that I am a reassuring, calming sounding board as we weigh pros and cons of immediate upcoming decisions. If they have been in this situation for awhile they are usually feeling depressed and anxious. If they are in paralysis we determine whether there is a need for short term medications and strongly encourage more physical activity. We may even walk acound the business park to bring up the energy level as we talk in sessions. I want anyone who comes in to leave calmer, more hopeful, with a gameplan of priorities in place. We examine your inner self-talk during this time to ease up on self-disparagement and may direct attention back to narratives of earlier times in life when there were celebrations and a sense of accomplishment. We may use Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to challenge outmoded or exaggerated beliefs that rachet up anxiety. We may do some regressived hypnosis,if there are sensitivities or blocks you do not understand.Or examine your attachment style if your relationships dont work. We work with what you bring in and are ready to examine. I do short term therapy,or therapy that spans YEARS, off and on. I have worked with up to 12 members of the same family,determined to face each other on holidays in a new,more harmonious way. Ive been helping people for more than 25 years. and bring life experience of marriage, motherhood, caring for aged and dying parents. I love skiing,sailing and paddleboarding. Personal balance is essential!

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